Early Years
EYFS Intent
At Holy Trinity CE Primary Academy, we aim to provide a solid foundation for learning that provides pupils with the best possible start to their educational journey with us. Our curriculum aims to build on our pupils’ personal experiences, heritage and culture. This is used as a starting point in their learning journey and then as a vehicle for delivering our EYFS curriculum. We ensure that pupils develop solid foundational knowledge and skills that are progressive and developed over the Reception year. As children then move through each year group in our school, their knowledge and skills learnt in Reception are further built upon and applied each year during their time at Holy Trinity. We ensure that we use our bridging documents to provide a seamless ‘bridge’ between the EYFS Curriculum and the National Curriculum so that pupils secure the prior learning ready to succeed in KS1, KS2 and beyond.
Structure of the EYFS
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) applies to children from birth to five years old. In our school, children join us in Reception. Our early years provision includes one 30 place Reception class. Our Reception class is a large double sized classroom which provides sufficient space for continuous provision to take place. We also have an engaging outdoor learning area connected to the Reception class. Children are able to access this area every day. We recognise that children’s early experiences have a significant impact on their learning later in life. Therefore, we aim to provide a high-quality learning environment so that all children receive the best possible education.