Special Educational Needs

All schools are required to place on to their website a Special Education Needs Information Document. Our document gives details how we are able to meet the needs of our pupils with special needs. The document also acts as a guide for parents who may wish to enrol their child at Holy Trinity. Below is the link to our current document and below that is a link to the services offered by the Local Authority.

The Birmingham Local Offer Website

It is the aim at Holy Trinity to meet the special educational needs of every child. As a team, the staff have developed careful planning procedures to ensure that the curriculum meets the needs of the children by providing continuity and progression. Regular monitoring and assessment ensures that detailed individual records are kept to indicate the progress of each child.

At Holy Trinity we follow the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice which seeks to support children with special educational needs. This may take the form of special work given by the class teacher or extra support given by a member of the school staff. Parents of children who are being put on to the Code of Practice will be informed by the school and be invited to and expected to attend regular meetings to discuss their child’s progress.

Inclusive Provision

At Holy Trinity CE Primary Academy we are committed to providing every opportunity for all children regardless of age, gender, faith, ethnicity, ability, language and social background, to develop to their full potential. Holy Trinity has a range of provision to meet the diverse needs of all our pupils. All children are taught in mixed-ability classes. Individual pupil targets are set, monitored and reviewed by Class Teachers using Early Learning Goals, P-Levels and National Curriculum Levels. To ensure consistency, samples of work are moderated and standardised.

Children with Special Educational Needs are supported by the SENCo (Special Educational Needs Coordinator) and by teaching assistants. The SENCo also assists other staff in supporting children with emotional and behavioural difficulties, together with outside agencies where appropriate.

Pupils who are new to the country and those learning English as an additional language, are supported by class teachers and teaching assistants.

Additional support is also given to individuals and groups of pupils through intervention programmes developed in school.