
The work each child produces is continuously assessed and their progress in each of the phases is carefully recorded and monitored by class teachers and teaching assistants.

Progress is discussed with parents and children at termly Parent/Pupil Consultations. Details of pupil attendance, punctuality, behaviour and homework that has been completed is also discussed at these meetings.

An Annual Report is sent out at the end of the academic year giving a comment on the effort, attainment and progress each child has made in all subject areas. Parents have the opportunity to discuss their child’s report with the class teacher at Parent/Pupil Consultations at the end of the summer term.

Teachers also keep on-going records of each child’s progress in reading and spelling using phonic knowledge and key word skills.

Statutory Assessments

Reception – Baseline Assessment

The Reception Baseline Assessment takes place within the first 6 weeks of the Reception year. It is a short, interactive and practical assessment of children’s early literacy, communication, language and mathematics skills when they begin school, using materials that most children of a Reception age will be familiar with. The Reception Baseline Assessment will provide an opportunity for children to have valuable one-to-one time with their teacher at an early stage, so the teacher can get to know the children better. It will provide a helpful snapshot of where each child is when they enter reception, so they can be supported in the most appropriate way.

Year 1 – Phonics Screening Check

Children in Year 1 will sit the Phonics Screening Check in June each year. The check is made up of 40 words, and usually lasts 5-10 minutes. Some words are real words, and others are nonsense, or ‘alien’ words, that help to show if pupils can work out how to decode words they have not seen before. The check helps us to see how pupils are progressing in phonics and where to provide additional teaching and support. Any child not passing the check in Year 1 will resit it in Year 2.

Year 4 – Multiplication Tables Check

Children in Year 4 will sit the Multiplication Tables Check in June each year. The purpose of the check is to determine whether children can fluently recall their times tables up to 12, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It is an on-screen check consisting of 25 times table questions. Children will be able to answer 3 practice questions before taking the actual check. They will then have 6 seconds to answer each question. On average, the check should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete.

Year 6 – SATs (Standard Assessment Tests)

In Year 6 the statutory tests for each pupil are:

  • English Reading: Comprehension (3 texts and questions)
  • English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Paper 1: short answer questions
  • English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Paper 2: spelling
  • Mathematics Paper 1: Arithmatic
  • Mathematics Paper 2: Reasoning
  • Mathematics Paper 3: Reasoning

Teacher Assessments will also be submitted to the local authority based on;

  • Pupils’ written, practical and oral work in class
  • Pupils’ completed homework

Writing and Science will be assessed by teachers based on a wide range of pupils’ work over time in class.

Each child’s SATs results are sent home with the End of Year Report for parents to see and the school’s overall scores are presented to the Local Academy Board and will be available to parents through the School Website or on request in hard copy.