How to Apply

Reception Admissions

We currently offer up to 30 places in the Reception class. Parents must fill in an Admission Form for the Local Authority AND a Supplementary Form for the School before a set date in January if they wish their child to be considered for a place in the following September. We will ask to see the child’s Birth Certificate and take a copy of it for our records. If the Birth Certificate is not British, we ask to see proof of eligibility to be in the country. We will also need to see proof of the address at which parents live with the child e.g. a current utilities bill. Children are considered for the Reception Class in the academic year in which they become 5 years old. Children who have attended Tiny Steps Nursery still have to complete the Local Authority Admission Form to be admitted to the Reception class.

The Admission Policy will be applied by the school but places will be offered by the Local Authority. Families will receive forms from the Local Authority to be completed and returned to them by a stated date in January. In order to be considered for a place at Holy Trinity C.E. Primary School, applicants must also complete an Admission Form for the School itself.

A child in the Reception class MUST be brought and collected at the appropriate time by an ADULT. This is a condition of accepting a place in the Reception class.

Reception Class times are 8:45am – 3:15pm. Monday to Friday.

The parents of new children being admitted to Reception must attend an Induction meeting in May/June prior to the children starting in September. It is very important that parents attend the meeting because a great deal of information about the school is given out and it is an opportunity to meet the child’s Class Teacher and discuss any important issues with them. Children attend on the same day and spend some time in their new classroom and with their new teacher.

Parents of children starting in the Reception class must attend a meeting in school with the two staff from the Reception class.

Reception Parents – Parents of children who are starting in Reception will be given and appointment for the Reception teachers to make a Home visit before the children start in September.

The Appointment cards will be given out at the Induction Meeting giving the date and time of the appointment. These meetings are set up to continue the information gathering process for the Foundation Stage Profile. Unless this appointment is kept, your child will not be able to start in the Reception Class. 

Birmingham School Admissions

Years 1-6 Admissions

From September 2012, parents who wish their children to move here mid way through their Primary schooling must fill in an internal School Admission Form for this School if they wish their child to be considered for a place here. This Form is available from School. We also ask to see the child’s Birth Certificate and take a copy of it for our records. If the Birth Certificate is not British, we are obliged to ask to see proof of eligibility to be in the country.

We will also need to see proof of the address at which parents live with the child e.g. a current utilities bill. If children are moving from another school then parents must understand that the Headteacher will contact the other school to find out any relevant information about the child/ren. Children will be admitted to a class if there is a vacancy in the year group. As from September 1999 the maximum number in each class is 30 children. This means that we cannot take in more than 30 children in any year group. If there is a vacancy in a year group, the child will normally be admitted on the following day in order to give the class teacher time to prepare for a new pupil in the class.