
Our Writing Process

At Holy Trinity, we strive to create an environment that will promote both reading and writing. In order to ensure that all pupils learn to be confident writers, we encourage children to write creatively whilst teaching key writing skills explicitly and systematically.

  • Each year group has a high-quality focus text for the half term. All learning for the half term will be based around this text. We aim for all pupils to write at least 2 longer pieces of writing each half term.
  • All our English texts are carefully chosen from The Power of Reading. We ensure that our children are exposed to a variety of different text types including fiction, non-fiction and poetry. The Power of Reading provides guidance for our teachers to plan exciting, creative and inspiring lessons.
  • In Reception, we ensure that our pupils develop strong fine and gross motor skills so that they are ready to write. We support them to develop their pencil grip and letter formation before they begin writing words, phrases and sentences later in the year. Children are immersed in writing through our high-quality continuous provision.
  • In KS1 and KS2, each writing unit takes approximately 3 weeks to complete. A clear sequence of lessons is planned over this 3-week period so that learning builds gradually towards writing a longer piece in the third week.
  • Each unit focuses on teaching a different writing outcome. Each text type has a different purpose and genre. This ensures that all pupils have opportunities to apply and transfer their skills across a range of different writing outcomes and for different purposes.
  • Writing builds up in small sections over the unit. Short writing opportunities allow the children to build stamina and enjoyment for writing.

Developing a Writing Culture

Developing a writing culture at Holy Trinity is fundamental to the progression of the children not only in writing but across all other subjects. The importance of writing is promoted by all adults and quality writing is routinely celebrated.

  • Displays throughout the school emphasise our commitment to improving writing.
  • Each class has an English working wall to support and remind children of the key skills needed to write effectively.
  • We have annual celebrations that promote a love for writing.
  • Children enjoy taking part in national writing competitions.
  • Quality pieces of writing are celebrated in assemblies and with other classes.
  • We have a weekly ‘Writer of the Week’ for each class to celebrate excellent work.
  • Writing units enable the children to write for a real purpose and audience within the school and local community.
  • Half termly training and coaching for staff to develop their skills in teaching writing.
  • Teachers have a commitment to ensuring all pupils see themselves as writers and demonstrate enthusiasm for writing.